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Presentations 2017

Monday - November 27, 2017 - Drawing Room

17:30         Welcome Cocktails – Drawing Room


Hosts: Eco2, and U.S. Grains Council

The Dennis Bass Trio courtesy of Conifex Timber


Tuesday - November 28, 2017 - Adam Room


07:30        Breakfast - The Chateau Continental
                      Hosts: Ecostrat Inc., and Shell International Petroleum Company

The Dennis Bass Trio courtesy of Conifex Timber

AV Multimedia sponsors: NIVA Inc., TDV Solutions, and New Energy Risk
​08:15         Opening remarks: Jeff Passmore, Scaling Up Chair
08:25         Keynote Opening Remarks: The Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of Natural Resources Canada
08:40        Getting to Mainstream: The future for the Global Bioeconomy  
Session Chair: Rachel Curran, Senior Associate, Harper & Associates, former Director of Policy, Prime Minister’s Office
Investing e3.7billion to Bring Bio-based Products to Market: Ensuring Europe Competes in the Global Bioeconomy Race: Philippe Mengal, Executive Director, Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBIJU); Public-Private Partnership, Brussels, Belgium
Global Bioenergy and Biofuel Market Forecasts to 2022 from the IEA’s 2017 Renewable Energy Market Report: Adam Brown, Senior Energy Analyst, Renewable Energy Division, International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris
Emerging Economies and How the Bioeconomy can Deliver for the Developing World: Dr. Govinda Timilslna, Senior Research Economist, The World Bank, Washington, DC
Securing Investment and Scaling Up: Helping Early Stage Companies Thrive, and What Governments Need to Know: David Williams, Co-founder and Chief Executive, Eco2 Ltd., Wales
Canada’s Bioeconomy: Taxiing to the Runway
Ralph Torrie, President, Torrie Smith Associates
09:40        Feedstock Supply Chain Development: A Biorefining case study
Session Chair: Charlie Lalonde, Biomass Project Coordinator, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (combied panel)
Securing Producer commitments
Brian Cofell, General Manager, Cellulosic Sugar Producers Co-Operative, Sarnia, ON
Baler Telemetrics: Conditions of a Successful Biomass Harvest
Glenn Farris, Director, Strategic Segment Solutions, AGCO 
Edge of Field Stacking, and Validating the Harvest Data
Ben Voss, President, Morris Industries, Saskatoon, SK
Criteria for Successful Management Information Systems and Controlling Costs
Andrew Richard, CTO and Founder, Comet Biorefining
Standardizing an Approach to Biomass Supply Chain Risk
Jordan Solomon, President and CEO, ECOSTRAT Inc.
10:40         Refreshment Break
Host: Clariant
11:00         Showcasing Bio-Technology Today
Session Chair: Susan Carlisle, President, Carlisle Consulting Inc.
Tamrat Tekle, President and CEO, TTS Inc.; President, Natural Fibre Technologies Ltd.
Doug Berven, Vice President Corporate Affairs, POET
David Mackett, Whitesand First Nation
Martin Mitchell, Business Development Manager Americas, Clariant
11:45          Access to Finance in Canada for Cleantech Firms
Session Chair: Chris Johnstone, Director General, Clean Technology and Clean Growth Branch, ISED Canada
Ziyad Rahme, Vice President, Investments, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
Susan Rohac, Vice President, Growth & Transition Capital, Business
Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
Mark Senn, Director Cleantech, Export Development Canada (EDC)
12:20          Customers, Collaboration, Communications and
Branding in Evolving Bio-based Markets
Session Chair: Anne Waddell, Vice President Government Affairs, BioAmber Inc.
Anton Holland, President, Director, Science Communication, NIVA Inc.
Puneet Trehan, Material & Innovation Leader, IKEA of Sweden
Jean Francois (JF) Huc, Vice President Innovation and Business Development, Greenfield Global Inc.
13:00         Lunch
Hosts: Comet Biorefining; FPInnovations; AJW Inc.
13:40        Clean Growth: Government in Implementation Mode
Session Chair: Velma McColl, Managing Principal, Earnscliffe Strategy Group

Frank Des Rosiers, Assistant Deputy Minister, Innovation and Energy Technology, Natural Resources Canada
Tom Rosser, Assistant Deputy Minister Strategic Policy Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Christopher Wilkie, Director General for Global Affairs Canada
Chris Johnstone, Director General, Clean Technology and Clean Growth Branch, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED)
Cam Carruthers, Executive Director, Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy, Environment and Climate Change Canada
14:30         A Forest Bioeconomy Framework for Canada – A step towards a
National Bioeconomy Strategy?
Session Chair: Sandy Ferguson, Vice President Corporate Development, Conifex Timber Inc.
Glenn Mason, ADM, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
Derek Nighbor, CEO, Forest Products Association of Canada
Sandy Marshall, Chair, Bioindustrial Innovation Canada
Trevor Stuthridge, EVP, FPInnovations
15:10          Technology Commercialization – Achieving Success in Pyrolysis,
Cellulosics, Hydrothermal Liquefaction, and Hydrofaction™ for Long-haul Transport  
Session Chair: Joel Stone, President, ConVergince Advisers; Exec. VP, Lee Enterprises Consulting
Robert Graham, Chair, Ensyn Corporation
Brian Foody, CEO, Iogen Corporation
Alan Zacher, US DoE Pacific Northwest National Lab, Task Leader, IEA Task 34 Biomass Liquefaction
Perry Toms, CEO, Steeper Energy
15:55        Refreshment Break
Welcome: Henk van der Zwan, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the  Netherlands  to Canada
Host: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
16:25        The European Landscape, and the International Collaboration
Opportunities Provided by Mission Innovation: A snapshot
Session Chair: Eric van den Heuvel, Director studio Gear Up; Director, Netherlands Platform Sustainable Biofuels, former Sustainability Officer, Argos
Eric van den Heuvel, Director, Netherlands Platform Sustainable Biofuels
Roger Kilburn, CEO, Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre, Glasgow, Scotland
Astrid Jakobs de Pádua, Minister Counselor Food and Agriculture, German Embassy, Washington, DC

Fernando Preto, Canadian Lead, Sustainable Biofuels Innovation Challenge, Mission Innovation
17:10         Special Presentation: Sourcing Future Bioeconomy Talent
Rob Henderson, President and CEO, BioTalent Canada
17:45          Hospitality Suite – Host: Passmore Group Inc. with special
Single Malt tasting courtesy of Celtic Renewables
19:15          Dinner at your leisure – Byward Market Restaurants



Wednesday - November 29, 2017 - Adam Room

07:45        Breakfast – The Chateau Continental
Hosts: Iogen Corp., and Steeper Energy

The Dennis Bass Trio courtesy of Conifex Timber
AV Multimedia sponsors: NIVA Inc., TDV Solutions, and New Energy Risk
​08:25        Welcome Back: Jeff Passmore, Scaling Up Chair
08:30        Morning Keynote Address:
Elizabeth May, Leader, Green Party of Canada, Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands
09:00        The Bio-circular Economy: Climate Targets, Global Supply Chains,
and Way Beyond Paris
Session Chair: Doug Russell, Chief Business Development Officer, Cogent Energy Systems
Pierre-Alain Schieb, Former Head, OECD Futures Project (1994-2013), President, Backcasting SAS, Consultant to OECD
David McInnes, Principal, DMci Strategies; former CEO, Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute
Ted Michaels, Partner, AJW Inc. Washington, DC
09:40        Steel in the Ground in Sarnia-Lambton –
Transformation within a Hybrid Chemistry Cluster
Session Chair: Sandy Marshall, Bioindustrial Innovation Canada
Role of the Anchor in the Bioindustrial Chemistry Cluster: Anne Waddell, Vice President Government Affairs, BioAmber Inc.
Leveraging the sugar supply chain: Commercializing natural low-calorie sweetener from biomass: Mark Kirby CEO, S2G Biochemicals
From California to Canada: How a collaborative culture drew us north: Stephen Galowitz, Chief Commercial Officer, Origin Materials
10:25         Technology: From Idea to Available Product –
Getting to Commercial Scale
Session Chair: David Dodds PhD, Principal, Dodds & Associates LLC
Dr. Chad Joshi, CEO, Advonex International Corporation
Sébastien Corbeil, President & CEO, CelluForce
Martin Tangney, President Celtic Renewables Ltd., Winner, Most Innovative Biotech SME in Europe 2015
Jim Spaeth, Program Manager, Advanced Development  & Optimization, Bioenergy Technologies Office, US Department of Energy
11:10           Refreshment Break
Host: Greenfield Global Inc.
11:25          Raising Capital: Reality, Creativity, and how to Add Value
for Prospective Investors
Session ChairJeff Passmore , Passmore Group Inc.
Joško Bobanović , Partner, Sofinnova Partners, Paris
Vicky Sharpe, ​Director, Alberta Enterprise Corporation; Corporate Director and Founding CEO, Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
Jon Cozens, Chief Commercial Officer, New Energy Risk, California
12:10          Government – On the Critical Path to Bioeconomy Success?
Session Chair: John Wilkinson, Senior Vice President Sustainability, Greenfield Global; former Ontario Minister of Research & Innovation, and Ontario Minister of the Environment
Tammy Klein, President, Future Fuel Strategies
Honourable John Godfrey, P.C., Special Advisor for Climate Change, Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change; former federal Minister of State for Infrastructure and Communities
Marc LePage, President and CEO, Genome Canada
Doug Faulkner, President, Leatherstocking LLC. Former Acting Assistant Secretary, US Department of Energy and Acting Under Secretary, US Department of Agriculture (George W. Bush administration).
12:55         Keynote Summary Remarks: Duncan Macleod, Partner, C Associates, former Vice President Shell Hydrogen, and former President & CEO of Iogen Energy
13:10          Closing Remarks / Door Prizes / Adjourn
Jeff Passmore, CEO, Passmore Group Inc.
Program Brochure sponsor: BioTalent Canada
Lanyard sponsor: Genome Canada
Supporting sponsors: Forest Products Association of Canada, Canadian Wood Waste Recycling Business Group, Bioindustrial Innovation Canada, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Ontario Sustainable Energy Association, and Maple Leaf Strategies
Business to Business meetings hosted by:
Trade Commissioner Service, Global Affairs Canada


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